The Wolverine

August 2016

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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BY BRANDON BROWN J im Harbaugh and his coaching staff completed a satellite camp tour in the month of June that would've made Christopher Co- lumbus tap out. The expedition kicked off June 1 in the Midwest at Bishop Chatard High School in Indianapolis and concluded in the Pacific on the Hawaiian island of O'ahu. The staff hit 19 states and three countries during a 40-plus-stop voyage around the globe. The Maize and Blue was present even in Australia and American Samoa during the trek. The overall cost of the tour has been reported somewhere in the $350,000 range and took up all but three days in the month of June. Harbaugh and his hard-working staff taught the game of football at various high schools, col- leges, universities and seemingly any- where there was a patch of grass that would hold youngsters and coaches. Michigan's head coach seemed to have the same level of energy at each Jim Harbaugh And His Staff Completed A Demanding Camp Tour In June Mission Impossible ACCOMPLISHED Harbaugh and his staff started their satellite camp tour June 1 in Indianapolis and wrapped up after 40-plus stops across 19 states and three countries June 28 in Hawai'i. PHOTO BY BRANDON BROWN

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