The Wolverine

April 2013

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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Spring Loaded Educated By The Past, The W olverines Focus On The Future B By John Borton rady Hoke isn't much for looking backward. He describes it as keeping a full focus out the front window, rather than peeking in the rearview mirror. That said, it's always worth noting the major potholes in any given stretch of road. Thus informed, smart drivers can avoid them the next time around. The Wolverines continue driving toward success in the Big Ten, starting spring practice on March 16. Success in Hoke's book has to feature a Big Ten championship, and he knows better than anyone why his team didn't seize one in 2012. "You've got to go back and look at what stopped us from winning a championship a year ago," Hoke mused. "That was playing on the road. We didn't play well on the road, for one reason or another. Head coach Brady Hoke wants his team to raise its competition level this spring so that it can be part of something special — most notably, a Big Ten championship — in the fall. photo by lon horwedel

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