The Wolverine

April 2013

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  inside michigan athletics   Student-Athlete Of The Month Lacrosse Freshman Chase Brown When Michigan freshman long stick midfielder Chase Brown was going through the recruiting process, lacrosse admittedly was not his top priority. He didn't care so much about going to a well-established program — or an upstart like Michigan, now in its second year as a varsity program. What really piqued his interest was the school, not the sport. So he toured some Ivy League schools, did some research on aca- Brown was driven to find a school with great academics demics and pointed his where he could also contribute to the lacrosse team. photo courtesy michigan athletic media relations interest toward Michigan, which not only boasted great and striving to become a Michigan academics, but also one of the best Man. That really drew my interest. business schools in the country. We're building a culture, and I wanted "I was looking at some Ivy League to be a part of that." schools and a few other places," Brown An Annapolis, Md., native and the said. "I wanted to go to the best col- son of a Navy alumnus, Brown wanted lege I could, but also play lacrosse. to push himself at whatever school he I wasn't looking at playing for some chose, and the journey so far has been powerhouse — I wanted to pursue a rewarding one. my interests academically while also "It has been a big momentum swing finding a good fit for lacrosse. Michi- for me, but I'm starting to adjust," gan was perfect, plus I could have the said Brown, who was a three-time huge impact on the team right away. Academic All-American at the Severn "Then I started learning more about School and boasts a 3.6 GPA at Michit. Like, going to football games every igan. "The lacrosse workload was a week, and the spirit of the block M lot more than what I was used to: 20

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