The Wolfpacker

November 2019

The Wolfpacker: An Independent Magazine Covering NC State Sports

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NOVEMBER 2019 ■ 129 ■ PACK PAST "George, something terrible has hap- pened." Carolyn Stuart, awakened in the dead of night back in North Carolina, received one of the saddest telephone calls she would ever get. On the other end, coach Greg Williams told her Bo was dead. She said Williams was very upset and despondent as he conveyed the awful news. She asked, "Greg, what are you talking about?" "Bo's gone, Bo's gone! His plane's gone," Williams told her. Unable to go back to sleep, Carolyn got up and began a day she wished she could forget. Williams called [LSU junior varsity coach] Bruce Hemphill, too, relaying in- formation that morning that would remain a part of Hemphill's spirit the rest of his life. The late plan changes the evening before was all Hemphill could think about. As instructed, Hemphill saw James White that day and then drove 20 minutes to a Monroe hotel. Williams was probably the only person who knew to find him there. "Bruce, wake up," Williams began the early-morning call. "We don't know where Coach Rein's plane is." Hemphill sat up in bed. "What are you talking about," he asked. "He's supposed to be in Baton Rouge by now." Williams explained, "Something hap- pened to his plane. They cannot find it, but it did not land in Baton Rouge." Hemphill was stunned. None of this made any sense at all. "That's all I know right now," Williams continued. "Stay right there, don't leave. I'll call you back as soon as I know more." At some point during this time span, Al Masella was desperately trying to contact Sue [Rein's wife]. When she returned his call, she learned her husband's plane was missing. A subseq uent call from Masella confirmed that Bo's aircraft had indeed crashed. In a state of shock and natural con- fusion, Sue responded, "Well, do they know anything?" Masella clarified: The aircraft had gone down into the water. Caught some- what off guard, and not expecting to hear about the water, Sue replied, with a bit of hope, "Oh, it crashed in the water?" Masella delicately dashed all hope, ex- plaining Bo's survival was not expected. A short while later, Williams called Hemphill back with more information. Williams said the airplane definitely had not landed in Baton Rouge, but had in- stead deviated around a storm into Mis- sissippi and could not be located. That was all the information he had at that time. ♦ Tailgate Specials ♦ Catering Services ♦ College Student Discounts ♦ Pizzas 1/2 off during AWAY games 3905 WESTERN BLVD • RALEIGH, NC 27606 (919) 851-0473 • WWW.AMEDEOSRESTAURANT.COM AMEDEO'S ITALIAN RESTAURANT

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