Blue and Gold Illustrated

Sept. 30, 2013 Issue

Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football

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under the DOME Poise Amid 'Noise' Players help keep Brian Kelly and his staff grounded By Lou Somogyi A fter Notre Dame's remarkable 12-1 turnaround campaign last year, a letdown in 2013 was virtually inevitable. The loss at Michigan and a struggle at rebuilding Purdue have many Notre Dame faithful questioning every aspect of the program, from the play calling and instruction by the staff to the dedication of the players. Why can't they even blow out a 20-point underdog like Purdue? Where is the leadership? Why can't they impose their will on teams and run the ball down their throats? Who is responsible for all those problems on defense again? What's going on out there? It's something every Notre Dame coach is required to contend with eternally, even icons such as Ara Parseghian Constant criticism and scrutiny come with Kelly's job at Notre Dame, but he's also proud of the people he coaches. photo by per kjeldsen

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