The Wolverine

January 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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Page 14 of 177

  FROM OUR READERS One reader wrote in to say he liked the decision to go for two at the end of the OSU game, but wished the coaches had called a different play for Devin Gardner. PHOTO BY PER KJELDSEN sion at the end of the Ohio game was the correct decision. However, the play selected was terrible, lacking imagination at that critical juncture. Devin Gardner throwing from the pocket has been mediocre at best. Another questionable move was placing three receivers close to each other on the right side of the line. Ohio would respond with at least three defensive backs on their left side of the end zone creating a very crowded area, and accordingly, making it difficult to complete a pass which, of course, ultimately resulted in an interception. Instead a logical call would have been Gardner running to his right (his forte) with the option of throw- ing to an open receiver or pitching to Fitz Toussaint thus presenting three opportunities to score. If any situation ever demanded it, this was the occasion to think outside the box! Richard M. Royce Chatham, N.J. Two quick points, Richard: one, Gardner was hurt significantly in that game (he was on crutches and a walking boot at the Dec. 9 Football Bust) and running would not have been his forte. Meanwhile, the play involved three receivers fanning out in different directions and taking various defenders with them. One got jammed at the line, and that caused more congestion than there should have been.

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