Blue and Gold Illustrated

December 2014 Issue

Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football

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UNDER THE DOME Matt Hegarty, defensive tackle Chase Hounshell, offensive guard/center Nick Martin, defensive end Anthony Rabasa, Mike lin eb acker Joe Schmidt and defensive end Ishaq Williams. The ones we consider most likely to return are the six starters or co- starters from this past season: Golson, Carlisle, Martin and Hegarty on offense, and Schmidt and Farley on defense. That would take Notre Dame to 83, with two left to give in recruiting. But Williams, who like Russell is planning to return to Notre Dame in 2015, is also a likely candidate. That would take the Irish to 84, with one left. Might that be Daniels? He's been back-and- forth on whether to re- turn. Nevertheless, what is "on paper" and what oc- curs months from now often are vastly different. Attrition is an inevi- table aspect of a college football program every season, and generally at least two players per season leave the pro- gram for one reason or another, be it academic, disciplinary or personal. Last year, it was corner- back Rashad Kinlaw and slot receiver Will Mahone. Another factor is fifth- year prospects that re- ceive their undergradu- ate degree from Notre Dame can play at an- other school without sit- ting out, a la former Irish players such as quarter- back Andrew Hendrix, tight end Alex Welch a n d c o r n e r b a c k L o Wood at Miami (Ohio) this season — or corner- back Cody Riggs play- ing at Notre Dame this season after four years with the Florida Gators. There also is a history of current verbal pledges in next year 's freshman class pulling an 11th- hour switch, or others committed elsewhere opting for the Irish. Next, there is the op- tion of some players turning pro early, as de- fensive lineman Stephon Tuitt, tight end Troy Nik- las and running back George Atkinson III all did last year following their junior years. This year, that op- tion is far less likely, although Golson, de- fensive tackle Sheldon Day and offensive tackle Ronnie Stanley all could be NFL candidates. Finally, there is the m e d i c a l a s p e c t a n d whether a player is able to physically play foot- ball anymore. Last year, it was defensive lineman Tony Springmann. In 2015, it could be Grace or current junior safety Nicky Baratti. Grace shattered his leg in the game versus Arizona State on Oct. 5, 2013, and is still con- sidered a ways off from p l a y i n g . B a r a t t i h a s missed all or most of the NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL TICKETS 2015 SEASON NOW ON SALE 25 Years in Business 1-800-925-2500

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