The Wolverine

January 2015*

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  INSIDE MICHIGAN ATHLETICS Getting To Know Women's Soccer Player Corinne Harris Nickname: "People call me 'Coco.' It started off as a joke in high school, my friends would call me Princess Coco when I would complain." Favorite restaurant in Ann Arbor: "I would have to say the Chophouse because I never get to go there because it's so expensive." Best meal she can cook by herself: "I make a mean pasta with vodka sauce and chicken. I have it almost every night for dinner." Sports she plays besides soccer: "I tried gym- nastics when I was little, but that didn't last very long. I also play tennis a little bit, but not much." Hobbies: "I love to bake. I bake almost every night if I can and my housemates get really mad because I'm ruining their diet." Favorite TV show: "I love the show 'Scandal.'" Favorite movie: "The Dark Knight series. I really like Christian Bale and the action." Dream vacation: "I would say Australia. They have beautiful beaches and it's somewhere I've never been." Favorite professional soccer venue she's been to: "When I was in London I went to the Chelsea stadium. We actually didn't get to go inside but it was really cool just being around it. The Big House was really cool when it was converted into a soccer stadium for the Man U game, too." Favorite professional athlete: "Maria Sharapova the tennis player is my favorite athlete because she is very mentally tough, and she takes everything she does on the court and off very seriously." Role model: "My parents. They have allowed me to do everything I want to. They were always really supportive when I set my sights really high." Why she chose soccer over gymnastics: "Soccer was the sport that my dad put me and my sisters in when we were young. It was just the sport I was the best at. I had a natural love for the game and wanted to always get better." What she hopes to do after soccer: "Life without soccer sounds sad. I would like to go into sports marketing. I'm already looking for internships in that field. I definitely need to stay in the sports industry." Her overall U-M experience: "Amazing. It's been everything I wanted out of college and more. The athletics, the people, the facilities; they are all great. The academic experience is top notch and it's been more than I could've hoped for." Harris said her parents are her role models, and she cited ten- nis player Maria Sharapova as her favorite professional athlete. PHOTO COURTESY MICHIGAN ATHLETIC MEDIA RELATIONS

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