The Wolverine

March 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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garner the freshman accolade. "Most of the great forwards we've had, they weren't ready to kill pen- alties as freshmen," Berenson said. "Carl Hagelin was but he didn't play on the power play. Max Pacioretty didn't kill penalties." Compher is the perfect blend be- tween the offensive talents and the defensive presence Michigan fresh- men have played with, but his of- fensive production has already ex- ceeded expectations; Compher has scored 11 goals and is on pace for 15 this season. "I've always been a playmaker, and not that I haven't scored before, but I've always been a pass-first cen- terman, and I came into this season telling myself I wanted to take ad- vantage of my goal-scoring oppor- tunities," he said. "I think a lot of During U-M's 14-9-3 start, Compher finished a game in the minus column of plus/minus in just four of 26 contests and stood at plus-10 for the season. PHOTO BY LON HORWEDEL

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