The Wolverine

March 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  INSIDE MICHIGAN ATHLETICS than that. It's tropical, and I can do all the things I love, like sightseeing and go- ing to the beach. And I can surf there, which is a plus." Favorite Professional Athlete: "Michael Phelps." Her Role Model: "My dad, Denny. He is so great, and he helps me put every- thing in perspective. He is such a hard worker that I look up to him and all of his passions. He is so passionate about his job and our family. He's a real inspiration in my life." Her Major: "I am undeclared right now, but I am planning to declare at the end of the year for communications, and I will probably minor in political sci- ence." What She Wants To Do After Michigan: "I really hope to travel. I want to take some time to see the world. Eventually, I want to get involved in marketing, possibly as a buyer for a big company. My goal would be working in something to do with athletic apparel." Her Overall U-M Experience: "It has been full of excitement. Every day, I am stepping out of my comfort zone and trying something new and challenging myself in different ways. It has been such an amazing, fun experience, and something that you don't get by staying on the West Coast for school. It has been hard sometimes with the weather, but I love trying new things, and Michi- gan has everything to offer." — Andy Reid's Facebook Feed With rising sophomore tight end Jake Butt tearing his ACL, should Michigan move junior Devin Funchess back from wide receiver to tight end? Aaron Piening: "Leave at wide receiver!" Jeff Severance: "Put Funchess at tight end and Gardner at wide receiver." Stewart Jones: "Unless he's made a dramatic improvement, leave him at wideout because last year he was a liability when asked to block." Jason Miller: "Can't block. Leave him where he is. Ian Bunting should be able to contribute at tight end." Dave DeSilva: "If it weren't for bad luck, Michigan football wouldn't have any luck at all." Matt House: "He has to go back to tight end at least until either Jake Butt returns or Ian Bunting develops into a reliable target." Rob Fitch: "Leave him at receiver — the little defensive backs won't be able to stop him!" Donald Eggen: "What is with all the ACL injuries with this team?"

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