The Wolverine

March 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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Bunting gained plenty as a senior, according to Hinsdale Central head coach Rich Tarka. His attitude never wavered, regardless of the ups and downs in the 5-5 season, according to his head coach. "He had shown a willingness to contribute to the team in any way he could," Tarka said. "He was a phe- nomenal receiver as a junior, and this year we never really got him going as a receiver because we had problems at quarterback. "He played receiver, played tight end and played defensive end for us. He was valuable in all those spots. He just wants to contribute and help the team — that's one of his great strengths." Good speed for a lanky performer represents another strength, Tarka as- sured. He saw Bunting average 25.8 yards per catch as a junior, including one signature play early on. "In the second or third game last year, he was doing fairly well for us, and he caught a screen pass against one of our toughest opponents," Tarka recalled. "It was just a quick rocket screen, and he turned it up the field and accelerated. He ran past ev- erybody and ran for a 61-yard touch- down. "It was one of those plays where you look at it and say, 'Wow, that's an eye-opener.' That turned a lot of heads and really showed a glimpse of what he's capable of." Tarka insists Bunting will be more than capable of stepping up to a tight end role in college. The Hinsdale coach expects Bunting to add sig- nificantly to his present 220 pounds, while making leaps forward in a number of areas. "He's the perfect body type for it," Tarka said. "He has great hands, and I can imagine how much growth is going to happen, as far as putting on strength and weight in the next couple of years. When he gets that, I think he's going to be a force." Bunting understands the gains he needs to make, but says they'll come with instruction, along with effort on his part. He's excited about getting a shot at tight end for Michigan, espe- cially after scrutinizing the position the past two years. "I spent some time watching Devin Funchess two years ago, and Jake Butt this last year," he said. "It's something that really interested me and helped me make my decision. "They definitely throw the ball to the tight ends, which is always a plus. I really like the way they use them in more than one way, especially with Funchess. They'll split him out some, they'll have him in a slot some, with his hand on the ground. It's really a versatile position." Bunting already has strong rela- tionships with position coach Dan Ferrigno and head coach Brady Hoke, whom he describes as "a real guy," who didn't put on a show for him. "He just came out and said this is who I am, and this is what you're go- ing to get at Michigan," Bunting said. "We are who we are. That was really refreshing." Tarka assures Bunting will come across in similar fashion. "He's an outstanding student,"

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