The Wolverine

November 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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2014 HOCKEY PREVIEW 2015 HOCKEY PREVIEW Over the last few weeks, we started to pick up the intensity. We're start‑ ing to get into game focus with the season getting closer. "What you can accomplish is more than a fitness edge. It's a chance to build familiarity with your linemates, getting out there with them. It's a chance to learn about the freshmen, see how they play. Even just getting comfortable with your new gear is beneficial. We don't really take time to work on systems or anything like that. Most of all, I think we've done a good job of establishing our attitude and focus for the year." YOUNG PLAYERS BRING FRESH ATTITUDES Michigan is still a team domi‑ nated by sophomores and freshmen. Returning teammates will have to match the new attitudes with im‑ proved performance on the ice. Both Copp and Hyman have confidence that the skill is there to earn a tourna‑ ment berth. "J.T. broke out last year in his fresh‑ man season, so I guess he doesn't count, but he's looked great," Hyman said of his fellow assistant captain. "I think that [sophomore forward] Tyler Motte should be in for a big jump. He's set to make another stride forward from his freshman season. "On defense, [sophomore defense‑ man] Kevin Lohan should make that jump, too. With his knee injury, that kind of set him back a little, but he worked on other things. He was in the gym every day working on his legs or his upper body. He's had the whole summer to recover. He's a big kid, 6‑5 I think, so he can do a lot of damage for us this year. "[Sophomore defenseman] Michael Downing and Kevin Lohan on de‑ fense, in particular, are going to have big years," Copp added. "[Sopho‑ more defenseman] Nolan De Jong is a guy who will make a big contribu‑ tion this year. Up front, Zach Hyman will be important. Tyler Motte is com‑ ing back strongly and obviously J.T. [Junior forward] Boo [Nieves] could have his best year and [sophomore forward] Alex Kile is going to even play a larger part this year. There are a whole bunch of guys right on the edge of big years. I think that speaks for the potential we have on this team." Helping out the captains' planning has been the freshness of having eight members of the incoming fresh‑ man class. Eight new faces, eight new enthusiastic attitudes and eight new voices to be heard have enhanced Copp's and Hyman's plans for a new approach. "We kind of wanted a fresh start from last year anyway, being so close to being in the tournament," Copp said. "Having eight new guys in the locker room is fun. It's important for them, too, to get familiar. "It's good to make those guys [the freshmen] feel comfortable. And, I think we've done a good job getting the team to jell early in the season." "It is refreshing," Hyman agreed. "Every year, you have guys coming in and you have guys leaving. That first month is exciting because you're meeting new people. You're meeting the new guys that are going to help make your team better." ❑

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