The Wolverine

June-July 2016

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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camps weren't unprecedented — but they were at the level in which the Michigan staff dove into them. An outcry in some regions caused the NCAA's Division I Council to cast a vote banning such camps, a ban that the NCAA Board of Direc- tors overturned just weeks later. Har- baugh & Co. will hit the camp trail harder than ever in June, with many — including former satellite camp detractors from the SEC and ACC — following suit. Manuel hesi- tated to forecast the future until after the NCAA executes a more c o m p re h e n s i v e study on the mat- ter. "I'm not sure," h e s a i d . " I ' m happy that the Board of Direc- tors decided to send it back to be con- sidered in the total package of where we are with recruiting, particularly in the sport of football and how it's handled. I think it's appropriate, in the total context of it." Manuel represented the American Conference when he was at UConn and worked with some who will be looking into the matter. "I know they will be very thought- ful and do great work, and try to figure it out," he said. "I hope they come to a conclusion that, if any- thing, it shouldn't be where we do away with them. We should put it within the package of how all of the camps, recruiting and other activi- ties around the sport of football are looked at to figure out where we go." Manuel also touched on a number of football-related questions Michigan fans consistently ask about, such as … • Night games at Michigan Stadium — There won't be any this season, but Manuel is careful to assure he's not serious when he channels Bo Schem- bechler in daylight-or-die gruffness. " To n g u e i n cheek, I've joked that I played for Bo so I like games p l a y e d i n t h e daytime," Man- uel noted. "He used to make that quote all the time. But I'm open to t h e p o s s i b i l i t y that we'll have night games in the future." Manuel didn't go there, but many close observers note there likely won't be a choice when the next round of television contracts are finalized. In the mean- time, he noted both Buffalo and UConn played night games when he was AD in those places, and he's certainly open to them here. He also noted that Harbaugh "ab- solutely" had input regarding them, although he declined to speak for the coach on that matter. "The world has changed and tele- vision has aided in that, in terms of game times and showcasing games at times that get the biggest audience," Manuel said. "We want those oppor- DIGITAL BONUS: CLICK THE ICON TO PLAY OR STOP THE PODCAST John Borton and Athletic Director Warde Manuel discuss his return to Michigan.

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