Notre Dame Holiday Gift Idea!
Our Notre Dame treats pail is
filled with individually wrapped
buttercream frosted shamrock cut-
outs wrapped in Notre Dame film,
snack size assorted gourmet cookies
and fudge brownies, buttercream
layered chocolate sandwich cookies
and our sweet and salty pretzel
clusters. A gift perfect for a true
Notre Dame fan! 22 pieces.
#166611 $29.99
*Prices and discounts are exclusive of applicable shipping charges and taxes. Items may vary and are subject to availability, delivery rules and times. Offer
available online or by phone only. Offers cannot be combined, are not available on all products and are subject to restrictions, limitations and blackout
periods. Offer valid through 12.31.16. Prices and charges are subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited. ©2016 Cheryl&Co.
To order your gift online, please enter or call 1.800.443.8124