Blue and Gold Illustrated

Preseason 2013

Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football

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Under the Dome The Irish head coach also added that he didn't try to use a new deal as leverage to add items like a training table, stadium improvements or other upgrades to the football program. "If I had to do that, I would not be here," Kelly said. "Our university knows exactly what it takes. We have no issues relative to contract. I have no issues. So that's not a story from my standpoint." When asked if extensions or other items will be resolved or announced soon or after the season, Kelly said it was "imminent." "Jack will make that decision," Kelly said. "Whether he wants to make an announcement or not, I don't need an announcement. I have a signed contract. I'm getting paid every day. I'm fortunate to be the head coach at Notre Dame. I'm not really worried about that stuff." Eddie Vanderdoes Wins NCAA Appeal Five-star defensive line prospect Instead, with the NCAA ruling in his Eddie Vanderdoes, who signed a Na- favor, Vanderdoes now has five years tional Letter of Intent (NLI) in Feb- to complete four and, more pertinent, ruary to attend Notre Dame before can compete this year. changing his mind, has won Vanderdoes told the Los his appeal to the NCAA Angeles Times that everythat will allow him to play body at Notre Dame was at UCLA this season. cooperative "except one The No. 6 overall high coach." When asked if it school player in the nation was Kelly, Vanderdoes reaccording to the 247Complied "no comment." posite (a compilation of all One day after the July the major recruiting rank30 decision by the NCAA, ings), Vanderdoes cited his Kelly released the following grandmother battling breast statement: "While I disagree Vanderdoes cancer as a primary reason with [the] decision by the to stay closer to his Auburn, Calif., NCAA National Letter of Intent Aphometown. He mentioned there were peals Committee to reverse its origiseveral other reasons, too, but would nal ruling and grant Eddie Vandernot get into specifics. does a complete release from his NLI, When Notre Dame head coach I understand and respect the entire Brian Kelly did not grant a release appeal process. from the signed NLI, Vanderdoes "However, this result does not went to the NCAA appeals board to change my opinion concerning the plead his case. Had he lost the ap- importance of protecting the integpeal, he would have sat out this sea- rity of the NLI program, nor will it son and had four years to complete change our approach to the process three seasons of football eligibility. going forward."

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