Blue and Gold Illustrated

Preseason 2013

Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football

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murphy's Law dan murphy T A Clear Direction he walls of the Isban Auditorium, Notre Dame's massive football meeting hall, are adorned with the type of motivational phrases of‑ ten found splattered on the backs of T‑shirts and in the halls of locker rooms — abstract references to the value of hard work and attitude. The newest 50‑10 with the smile of a man who thinks he knows something you don't know. He was asked about his team's increased attention to detail. "Everything we've asked them to do, they've done it," he replied. "It's get‑ ting close to the time when they're go‑ ing to start getting paid back." Head coach Brian Kelly has made it clear his team's primary objective is getting back the national championship game and winning it. photo by joe raymond addition, though, leaves no room for ambiguity. A massive wall calendar of sorts lists the dates and opponents for all 12 of the Irish opponents this season. Beneath them is one more date. It says, 'Jan. 6, 2014: BCS Championship Game.' A year ago head coach Brian Kelly played coy with his personal expecta‑ tions for the team. He sat in a smaller auditorium shortly after beating Navy Later he admitted that he saw weeks earlier the foundation of the 12‑1 sea‑ son that would follow when then team took a one-day bonding trip to a nearby lake. This time around there is no attempt to hide expectations. It took Kelly less than two sentences in his first press conference of the year to mention the national spotlight. But the message, hanging from Isban's walls, was deliv‑

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