Blue and Gold Illustrated

Preseason 2013

Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football

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Chris Brown and C.J. Prosise, seniors Daniel Smith and Luke Massa, and maybe even freshmen Corey Robinson and James Onwualu, emerge the way he did last season. "We have a lot of athletes that people aren't expecting to have breakout years," Jones said. "But what they don't know is a lot of the guys playing behind [others] had the same abilities, the same potential to be breakout stars. They just were behind other breakout stars, so this year is going to give a lot of people more chances to show their talents." The graduation of Floyd last year helped ratchet up the receiving corps' overall performance in a betterbalanced attack. Jones believes a repeat can occur in 2013 sans Eifert. "Losing Michael Floyd, he was a big part, if not more than half, of our offense his senior year," Jones recalled. "Learning how to get past that and how to work together as a whole and how to put all the different parts together and getting everybody involved in our offense last year is definitely going to help us to strive [to improve] this year." r Plus, once you've been surounded by sharks in their environ ent … m "I guess it should be easier to go across the middle," Jones said. "You know what's going to happen, you know you can expect to get hit, you can expect that there will be defenders. "Going into a shark tank, you don't know what they're going to do. You don't know their tendencies, you don't what they're thinking, so that unknown kind of makes the known when you're running across the middle a little easier to cope with." It might even add some more bite into his own attack. ✦

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