Blue and Gold Illustrated

March 2014

Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football

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While early entrants to the NFL Draft are typically a byproduct of a success- ful program, the Irish head coach said it is all about the recruit's mindset and goals. "I would have a serious problem re- cruiting a player to Notre Dame if they said, 'I only want to come to Notre Dame for three years. I have no inter- est in really getting the degree at Notre Dame,'" said Kelly, who added that he "passed on some pretty good players" in such cases. "I don't want guys to come here and not finish their degree. I want guys to come to Notre Dame, get their degree, help us win a national championship, and be the No. 1 pick in the NFL Draft. That's what I want if that's what they want. "When you look at the list of guys, we vetted them out just like they vet- ted us out. A lot of times our fans ask why didn't they recruit this guy or why did they recruit this guy. It's a two-way street when it comes to the recruiting process. We are really, re- ally pleased with the work that our coaches and our recruiting staff have done." WHO'S READY TO PLAY IMMEDIATELY? One question in the front of Notre Dame fans' minds is which players will contribute immediately, the way wide receiver Corey Robinson, offen- sive lineman Steve Elmer and line- backer Jaylon Smith (among others) did in 2013. That topic, Kelly con- tended, is impossible to answer on National Signing Day.

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