The Wolverine

March 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  FROM OUR READERS Hub. This is a sad shame. I live over three hours from Ann Arbor in Kirt- land, Ohio (25 miles east of Cleve- land). I would never sell or give my ticket to a Buckeye fan. They are so arrogant here in Ohio. I do not understand what kind of Michigan fan would first not want to go to the game and root the Wolverines to vic- tory and secondly, to let the opposi- tion gain the advantage. As for the students, I have nothing against their being able to purchase football tickets cheaper than the rest of us, while they are in school. I do feel, however, that they should be non-transferrable, and anyone us- ing them should have to produce a student ID when entering the game. There are way too many Michigan fans waiting to get tickets to the game. John Bodmer Kirtland, Ohio The setting for Ohio State-Michigan stirred up more than a few folks, John. Read on, for an interesting additional point of view. A POINT TO PONDER Dear The Wolverine: I am responding to the letters from readers Dick Shaw ("Seeing Red At The Big House") and Richard Kette- man ("Like The Effort, But …") from the January 2014 issue and similar letters in The Wolverine and other re- cent publications. As a season ticket holder since 1955 as a student and alumnus, I and my family have attended nearly every home football game (and many away games) in all those almost 60 years, only missing an occasional game by necessity. I want to address the problem that I and many other sea- son ticket holders have encountered because of the Big Ten scheduling change that took place a few years ago. Previously, the Ohio State game was played on the Saturday before Thanksgiving weekend every year, except the few occasions when it had to be played on Thanksgiving weekend due to a schedule quirk. When the Big Ten decided to sched- ule the final game of the season one week later every year, the OSU game turned out to be on Thanksgiving weekend every year except for a few quirk years. This became a problem for those of us who leave town annu- ally on Thanksgiving weekend due to family or have other obligations. What this means is that those of us who are in this predicament will rarely be able to attend the Ohio State game ever again as long as we have these obligations. Time, distance and family matters on that particular hol- iday weekend change the ability to be in Ann Arbor for that important game. The bottom line is, those of us who are in this situation (and there are thousands) did not choose to abandon the Wolverines for the OSU game as alleged, but instead were forced by obligations to give up our tickets. I for one would never miss the Ohio State game, regardless of the team's current season record, if I could make

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