The Wolverine

June-July 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  INSIDE MICHIGAN ATHLETICS When Michigan softball senior out- fielder Katie Luetkens was little, she would tag along with her mother, Judith, a nurse, to the hospital. She was always fascinated by the medical world. "As a kid, growing up, I always wanted to go into medicine," she said. "When I came to Michigan, I knew I wanted study something that I could use to get into medical school." After taking a few science courses, Luetkens found one that stuck out — neurosci- ence. "The professor was a neuro- scientist, and she studied how degen- erative diseases affect the brain," she said. "Every time we came to class, she had videos or samples that showed different things that had happened to the brain and what effects those had. "I really liked how little we know about the brain, and how different and complex it is. With each class, you're fo- cusing on completely different things. It is where everything starts. Without the brain, nothing else would work in the body, and that really intrigued me, learning about the basis of everything. I have had a lot of different conditions touch people around me. Learning about the brain and how things can affect you was very interesting." As an athlete, Luetkens has a unique perspective on the brain. "We are constantly faced with con- cussions these days and how brain injuries can alter the way you act and your personality," she said. "Be- ing an athlete helps me see that side of things. I play outfield, so we're always diving. I am learning about how easy it is for one wrong movement to have an effect on the brain. Every time I dive, I think, 'Hopefully, I didn't lose too many brain cells on that one.' "I have more of an aca- demic basis on the field, tak- ing precautions. And I have helped educate the people around me. It's helpful, because people are learning how important it is to take safety precautions. I wear a facemask at the plate, for example." Luetkens, who graduated this May and is enjoying one last postseason run with the softball team, is already looking into grad schools. She is apply- ing to medical school, with an empha- sis on pediatrics. "I have always had a thing for kids. They warm my heart," she said. "Right now, I have a job working at Mott Chil- dren Center, doing research. And I love working with the children. I know that is the field I want to go into." Luetkens is hoping to stay in Ann Ar- bor for grad school. — Andy Reid Student-Athlete Of The Month Softball Senior Outfielder Katie Luetkens LUETKENS

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