Blue and Gold Illustrated

March 2014

Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football

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dinator Bob Diaco left for the head coaching position at the University of Connecticut, Trumbetti was very dis- appointed. He was excited that his primary recruiter was moving on to a higher role in the coaching ranks, but he was looking forward to playing for him in South Bend. "Diaco did everything right by me and my family," Trumbetti said. "He al- ways stayed in contact with me, made sure my senior season was going good and always made sure I was putting in the work at school. He treated me like a friend, rather than just a future player of his. My family and I really appreci- ated that, and liked him for that. "It was tough to see him go, but we're still going to do great things at Notre Dame. From everything I've been told, [defensive coordinator] Brian VanGorder was a great hire. I was impressed with him the first time we talked. "He's real excited to coach me, and he knew a lot more about my game and playing style that I expected. That definitely impressed me." ✦ FILM ANALYSIS Strengths Trumbetti has a great motor and is a "hit you in the mouth" type of player … The aggressor off the line and doesn't sit back to absorb contact and read the play … Strong off the line to go through and get rid of the blocker, pursues the ball carrier with a full head of steam and is mov- ing from snap to whistle … Has the size potential to work over the guard in a four-man look on the defensive front. Areas To Improve He will continue to mature athletically … He usually is the best player on the field, and it allows him to not give full effort on every play. Making the transition to where everyone around him is a great player will draw that out of him more consistently … The potential is there to play at a high level on every snap, and he's an ideal fit for the scheme and program.

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