The Wolverine

January 2016

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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U-M's Preseason Strength, Defense, Becomes Its Weakness While The Offense Unexpectedly Flourishes Reversal Of Fortunes BY MICHAEL SPATH F ollowing a Mich- igan sweep, the hockey team cel- ebrated in the postgame locker room with a rendition of the fight song on overdrive, but when the Wolverines came off the ice Dec. 5 af- ter a 7-6 shootout win over Wisconsin (and a 6-4 vic- tory over the Badgers the night before), head coach Red Berenson refused to allow "The Victors" to be sung. Head coach Red Berenson was unhappy with a defense that was responsible for a 3.00 goals-against average through 13 games, which ranked 38th nationally through Dec. 8. PHOTO BY LON HORWEDEL

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