The Wolverine

January 2016

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  FROM OUR READERS lie Taggart (South Florida), Scott Shafer (Syracuse), Brian Polian (Nevada) and Derek Mason (Vanderbilt). Pretty amazing considering he hasn't been a Divi- sion I head coach himself very long (relatively speaking). GoBlue90266 • Michigan women's [basketball] team might be on to something. It just abso- lutely destroyed Pitt in the Big Ten/ACC challenge, 82-45. Now Pitt isn't good, but they only lost to a top-10 Maryland team by 22, so that's still an impressive margin of victory. Kim Barnes Arico has put in a legit 10-deep rotation, and they're just basically running teams into the ground. It's a fun team to watch, with lots of players who can fill it up. ImissMichigan • I was just watching Utah vs. BYU playing basketball. Bill Walton was talking about the new basketball facility the Utes built with the assistance and backing of Jon Huntsman (local billionaire philanthropist). Walton commented that it was the nicest facility he has seen in the United States by far. He commented on some of the sayings painted on the walls … one of which was "Attack this day with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind." Damn … gave me chills to think how widespread our coach's influence is. Or well … his family's influence. WOODSON4LIFE • I'd rather WIN any Jan. 1 bowl game. I know some will criticize this but … I know some here are disappointed that we might play a lower-ranked Florida team (perhaps unranked after Alabama vaporizes them?). However, I'd rather win any Jan. 1 bowl game, even if it is not a very top-ranked, tough, worthy opponent, than fight to find the toughest possible draw against the highest- ranked team and maybe lose. This team needs to end the season on a high note. Any New Year's Day WIN will be great for the program. I will not be disappointed with ANY New Year's Day draw … and I prefer one where we win. BlueMonster • I 100 percent agree. I thought you were going to say you would rather win a Jan. 1 bowl than get hammered in the four-team playoff and my head was going to explode. But I agree with this. dlevs01

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