The Wolfpacker

September 2016

The Wolfpacker: An Independent Magazine Covering NC State Sports

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9LVLWRXUVWDIIRI1&6WDWHJUDGXDWHV 'U/LVD3DGILHOG'U.DUHQ%UD\ 'U(ULQ6ODXJKWHU'U$QQHWWH:DUG'U&RUD%HWK/DQLHU 3URFXUH6WUHHW )XTXD\9DULQD1& ZZZDFDGHP\HDVWYHWFRP )D\HWWHYLOOH5RDG6XLWH 5DOHLJK1& ZZZPLGGOHFUHHNYHWFRP $IXOOVHUYLFH$$+$FHUWLILHGVPDOO DQLPDOSUDFWLFH :HSURYLGH0HGLFDO6XUJLFDO%RDUGLQJ DQG*URRPLQJ6HUYLFHV $9,$1$1'(;27,& 6(59,&(6 $OVRFRPPLWWHGWRSURYLGLQJVPDOO DQLPDO0HGLFLQHDQG6XUJHU\ GO WOLFPACK!!! EVEN CHAMPIONS NEED HEROES. EVEN CHAMPIONS NEED HEROES. They may jump higher, run faster and swim farther than the rest of us, but even elite – or aspiring – athletes need someone in their corner. A parent cheering louder, a coach pushing harder, a communit y giving greater. At Raymond James, we have experience helping people achieve goals – and not just financial ones. Since 1962, we've been dedicated to giving back to the communities that have given us so much. And we're proud to stand alongside those who support big goals and bright futures. LIFE WELL PLANNED. Proud to champion champions. Alan M. Hughes, ChFC Chartered Financial Consultant // Vice President, Investments 3700 Glenwood Ave Suite 250 // Raleigh, NC 27612 T 919.784.8330 // F 919.784.8380 // Proud supporters of the Wolfpack Club since 1987. Raymond James is not affiliated with the WolfPack Club. Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. 15-BR3MJ-0019 KM 2/15

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