Blue and Gold Illustrated

Preseason 2015

Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football

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UNDER THE DOME the time practice com- mences in August. In fact, there was even room left over to award a scholarship to senior running back Josh An- derson, a pre-med ma- jor who toiled with the scout team the past three years. The attrition began in May, shortly after gradu- ation weekend, with the announcement that 2014 starting quarterback Ev- erett Golson would use his fifth season of eligi- bility at Florida State. Next, two defensive ends — incoming recruit Bo Wallace and sopho- more Jhonny Williams — revealed they will be- gin their football careers anew at Arizona State and Toledo, respectively. Then in August, four m o re d e f e c t i o n s o c - curred, most notably Bryant, the second-lead- ing rusher in 2014 with 289 yards. BRYANT INELIGIBLE; RETURNS HOME On Aug. 4, about a week after the conclu- sion of summer school, the university confirmed that Bryant would be academically ineligible in 2015. "There are certain ex- pectations within our program that must be met on a daily basis," Kelly said in a released statement. "Quite simply, Greg did not meet those expectations." The Delray Beach, Fla., native could have remained on scholar- ship and been allowed to practice with the team this fall, but he opted to return to his native state to enroll at ASA College in Miami, whose head coach, Ernest Jones, was Notre Dame's director of player development from 2012-14. Jones accepted a posi- tion with 2010-13 Fight- ing Irish defensive co- ordinator Bob Diaco at Connecticut in 2014, but resigned from his post because of his "Jesus Christ should be in the center of our huddle" comment. The Miami school is an offshoot of ASA Col- lege in Brooklyn, N.Y., where Bryant's former Irish classmate, corner- back Rashad Kinlaw, transferred in 2014 after his dismissal from Notre Dame's football pro- gram. Kelly confirmed on Aug. 21 that he had not spoken with Bryant since the announcement, and Bryant has indicated no desire to return. When asked if Bryant's chapter at Notre Dame was closed, Kelly re- sponded: "Yeah … the last we heard was that he was thinking about another school. We get different reports each day." Folston's 889 rushing yards last season were 600 more than Bryant, and this spring senior C.J. Prosise established himself in the rotation NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL TICKETS 25 YEARS IN BUSINESS Call today for Special Discount 1-800-925-2500

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